Saturday, July 6, 2013

Breakfast In the Sound

Today after work, I went for a beautiful paddle. I saw an incredible array of marine animals, including seals (tons of them were hanging out on the log boom- they looked like a pack of dogs with bowling balls for heads!), blue herons, and jellyfish. This time, the jellies weren't the harmless moon jellies that I've written about before, but another type called a fried egg jellyfish. The fried egg jelly is much larger than the moon jelly, but has a sting that is mild, so I was careful not to fall in, but not too afraid. There were so many of them out in the sound, and they really do look like giant fried eggs floating in the water. It's a pretty weird sight to see.
I don't normally go paddling much on the weekends due to the potentially heavy boat traffic, and today was no exception. A few of the boats were zooming around really fast (despite the "no-wake" zone) and it reminded me of "THUNDER! THUNDER! THUNDER! On the Ohio"- a speedboat race on the Ohio river that used to happen in my hometown. Being on a paddleboard with heavy boat traffic is kind of like riding your bike on a busy street, except you have a much bigger bike lane to ride in! At any rate, despite all the boat traffic, I was glad to have gone out. It was a great way to unwind after work and a chance to get in a good workout too. 

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